What we offer
Innovation Environment
You can book:
ONE ROOM - room "Northern Lights" (from 20 people) or room "Ether" (up to 20 people)
Including shared spaces for group work and breaks.
STUDIO rooms, "Earth", "Water", for longer-term monthly rentals.
Studio for your team. Ask for an offer at ovaal@ovaal.ee
Room rental
✓ For meetings, strategy sessions, idea collection, brainstorming, seminars,
training, workshops,
inspiration days, motivation meetings, team activities.
Studio room "Northern Lights" (62m2)
Studio room "Ether" (40m2)
Would you like catering for your team? We cater to teams starting from 10 people.
Ask for an offer at ovaal@ovaal.ee
Need presentation equipment?
✓ Data projector-screen
✓ Flipchart-markers
✓ Speakers
✓ Office supplies
· Room "Northern Lights" cozy capacity for 4-20 people.
· Room "Ether" cozy capacity for 2-10 people.
· Studio total capacity 30 people.
- Room "Northern Lights" cozy capacity for 20-35 people.
- Room "Ether" cozy capacity for up to 20 people.
The studio has self-service for connecting people and teamwork, where each
participant is
involved in the collaborative activity.
Ovaal Studio's versatile workspaces allow you to comfortably gather and exchange the
important thoughts and experiences with each other.
✓ By accessing the web, you can immediately check availability and get a quote.
Ovaalstuudio, located in the heart of Tallinn since 2009
Mission - At Ovaalstuudio, people and organizations enrich their creativity and collaboration.
Vision - Ovaalstuudio is a pioneer in creating business environments and promoting an innovative entrepreneurial culture.
TransferWise, AS Telia Eesti, Välisministeerium, Tallinna Kaubamaja AS, Riigiprokuratuur, SEB AS, Riigikantselei, EAS, Eesti Energia AS, Nordea Pank AS, EMT AS, Swedbank AS, EAS SA, Majandus –ja Kommunikatsiooniministeerium, Riigi Kinnisvara AS, Archimedes SA, Proekspert AS, Töötukassa, Maksu -ja Tolliamet, Heateo SA, SEB AS, Sampo Pank AS, Tallinna Tehnikaülikool, LHV Pank AS, Eversheds Ots & Co., Keskkonnaministeerium, Sisekaitseakadeemia, Nortal AS, DNB Pank AS, BDA Consulting, Baltika Grupp, Tallinna Ülikool, Sotsiaalministeerium, IMArvutid AS, Alexela Oil AS, Eesti Kvaliteediühing, Riigikantselei tippjuhtide kompetentsikeskus, Sotsiaalkindlustusamet, JCDecaux OÜ, Ensto Ensek AS, Coachinguklubi, Eesti Interneti SA, Poliitikauuringute Keskus PRAXIS, Maanteeamet, Eesti Arengufond, Eesti Personalijuhtimise Ühing, Omniva AS, Eesti Ametiühingute Keskliit, Elektrilevi OÜ, Selver AS, Ericsson Eesti AS jpt.